The integer 17 belongs to the residue class modulo m of 24. Find m.

(Old) Question posted by Felipe Maia to :

The integer 17 belongs to the residue class modulo m of 24. Find m.

(…) I thought of calculating m for the values ​​of the divisors of 24, that is, making m belonging to D (24). (…)

My answer :

Definition of residue. The number r in the congruence a\equiv r\pmod m is called the residue of a\pmod m. In the case at hand r=17 and a=24.

This means that for some integer k the following equality holds 24=17+km. You should then have km=7, where k and m are positive integers. This implies that m=7, because 7 is a prime number, that is, it has no divisors, except 1 and 7.

Sobre Américo Tavares

eng. electrotécnico reformado / retired electrical engineer
Esta entrada foi publicada em Math, Mathematics Stack Exchange, Number Theory com as etiquetas , , , , , . ligação permanente.

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